
moncler monclerダウン The Summer In Japan

Summer is very hot and humid and rainy in Japan,モンクレール モンクレール ジャケット The Diligent,monclerダウン, Summer does not come all at once,モンクレール. Temperatures and humidity levels climb gradually and reach unbearable heights ,モンクレール ジャケット.From June the sky is covered with clouds and the rainy season starts with non-stop heavy rain for days when the rainy season is over around end of July he official summer is staring in Japan. The Temperatures on the island of Japan climbing to 31 degrees and level of humidity rises to 100 percent. Summer ends by the middle of August Second half of August and the typhoons season,モンクレール ダウン.Starts with Strong and heavy rain until few years it continued till the end of September. But today,モンクレール ジャケット,モンクレール ダウン, due to global warming, this season continues till the first and sometimes the second week of October. The Japanese spend much effort in "cooling". Millions of people preparing air-conditioned rooms, They normally eat cold foods and enjoy the great summer celebration, and festivals. Summer- Festivals in Japan During this period in Japan there are dozens of festivals,モンクレール コート. Despite of the difficulties of the steamy and hot climate the Japanese enjoy celebrations,モンクレール. Here is a list of the famous ones. Neputa a giant float festival in Aomori Prefecture. Neputa takes place in the city of Hirosaki from August 1st to August 7th. If you want to see all 3 of the float festivals, more than 3.5 million people attend this colorful festival. The festival, dozens of residents carrying "Chariots of the Gods" decorated with giant paper figures towering height of 5 meters and illuminated people pray and ask god for blessings welcome the agricultural season,monclerダウン.The carriages are carried the evil forces and expel them to the sea. Star festival,モンクレール ダウン モンクレール ダウン Vritable V, derived from Obon traditions and the Chinese star festival, QiXi. The festival is usually held on July 7,モンクレール monclerダウン What Can Be A Vsi Crush,moncler, and celebrates the meeting of Orihime (Vega) and Hikoboshi (Altair),モンクレール ダウン,モンクレール. The Milky Way, a river made from stars that crosses the sky, separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year. This special day is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar; however, in Sendai, Tanabata is celebrated from August 6th-8th and has fireworks on the 5th.August 7. Tanabta festivals (star festival) are celebrated all over Japan,モンクレー. On this day people use to tie there wishes written on a a long colored paper on a bamboo tree branch (a symbol of longevity and regeneration) (called - Tanzaku),モンクレール ダウン. This holiday is favorite for children in Japan,モンクレール ジャケット. In Sendai Tanabata Matsuri is the most famous. Obon Festival (July 13 - August 16) celebrate for the souls of the dead This festival is held on different dates throughout Japan, from mid-July to mid August Related to religious practice Buddhist faith Souls of dead ancestors return to the physical world to visit their loved ones. Once the summer, gathering the whole family. All are Arrival of the souls of their loved ones and editors "Seder" in: cleaning, painting,モンクレール moncler Water Damage Los Angeles- Flo,モンクレール コート, renovating. Evenings dancing the dance of honor The Bon Odori,モンクレー,モンクレール ダウン モンクレー Violin Master Pro Examine, and call them to get. Light fires on the hilltops, and set lighting / fire at the entrance to homes. During these days Japanese go back to their parents to honor the souls of their ancestors. A dinner party is held at the souls of the guests. After several days of the ceremonies the family escort the souls of the dead back to their world Gion Festival (July 1-29) -Senior Festival held a centuries-old temple in Kyoto Misaki YASAKA. Spectacular procession of 30 carriages called violent YAMABOKO - aged two floors, towering to a height of about 6 meters. The procession advanced along the main street,モンクレール. Some find its origins 1100 years ago! The peak of the festival is July 17th with the Yama Hoko Parade. This is a massive parade where 32 floats are either pulled or carried throughout downtown Kyoto. More massive than the parade itself is the crowds of people that come to watch it AWA ODORI (Dance) (12 - 15 August) One of the most famous festivals in Japan, attracts thousands of celebrants. Created in TOKUSHIMA island Shikoku,monclerダウン. The whole town sings and dances for four days and nights. The origin meaning of the festival is the happiness of the residents on the construction of Castle town in 1587,モンクレール ダウン モンクレール the Journey Of Su. HanabiTaikai Spectacles of fireworks are held all over Japan towards the end - those are the celebrations of the fire department. Participation in the spectacle of fireworks Tokyo is an unforgettable experience! Last Saturday of July, millions of people flock to the river the Sumidagawa River near AsakusaWard,moncler, The great spectacle of fireworks. Summer in Japan - a cultural experience Despite the bad weather in summer in Japan, this season offers an impressive range of traditional celebrations. From the last two weeks of July Until the second week of August, are the weeks that are recommend to visit japan During these weeks there is less rainfall, on the one hand, but very high temperatures and humidity

